Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Cinta yang indah adalah cinta yang menyatukan impian dan nafas dari dua jiwa, tapi yang tetap memisahkan mereka sebagai dua jiwa yang saling menghormati kemandirian masing-masing.
Mereka tak dapat berpisah, tapi tak mungkin menyiksa satu sama lain untuk menjadi sama dengan yang lain.
Cinta adalah kekuatan yang menghormati kemadirian dan memuliakan kebersamaan.
Selain itu, bukan cinta.
#Mario Teguh
Poetry of Remembrance
Daffodils - by William Wordsworth
I wandered lonely as a cloud
That floats on high o'er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host, of golden daffodils;
Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.
Continuous as the stars that shineThat floats on high o'er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host, of golden daffodils;
Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.
And twinkle on the milky way,
They stretched in never-ending line
Along the margin of a bay:
Ten thousand saw I at a glance,
Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.
The waves beside them danced, but they
Out-did the sparkling leaves in glee;
A poet could not be but gay,
In such a jocund company!
I gazed—and gazed—but little thought
What wealth the show to me had brought:
For oft, when on my couch I lie
In vacant or in pensive mood,
They flash upon that inward eye
Which is the bliss of solitude;
And then my heart with pleasure fills,
And dances with the daffodils.
Unik dan Liarnya Bahasa Inggris
Bahasa Inggris adalah bahasa yang paling banyak digunakan di seluruh dunia. Lebih dari setengah cetakan buku di dunia dan seperempat surat-menyurat internasional adalah memakai bahasa Inggris. Dari seluruh bahasa-bahasa yang ada di dunia ini, bahasa Inggris memiliki kosa kata terbanyak—-kemungkinan sebanyak 2 juta kata. Tapi mari kita telusuri lebih lanjut beberapa hal yang menunjukkan keunikan dan “kegilaan” bahasa Inggris ini.
Eggplant adalah terong, tapi egg artinya telur dan di dalam terong tidak kita temui telur. Kita juga tidak menemui daging ham di dalam hamburger, lalu pineapple? Itu kan buah nenas padahal kata itu adalah gabungan dari pinus (pine) dan buah apel (apple). Mereka menyebut kue enak yang selalu menjadi santapan pagi saya sebelum berangkat kerja dengan English Muffins padahal jelas-jelas kue itu bukan di buat dan tidak berasal dari Negara Inggris. Atau misalnya French Fries untuk kentang goreng padahal aslinya bukan dari Perancis (French). Ada lagi, sweetmeats sesungguhnya adalah permen padahal sweet=manis dan meat=daging, sementara sweetbreads adalah nama daging dan sama sekali tidak manis lalu bread=roti.
Kita memang memakai bahasa Inggris begitu saja dan terima bersih. Tetapi kalau kita menyelam lebih dalam lagi, kita akan segera temui berbagai paradoks (hal yang bertolak belakang). Misalnya kita dapati bahwa quicksand ternyata bisa bekerja lambat padahal quick sendiri berarti cepat. Boxing rings berbentuk segi empat (square) dan tidak menyerupai ring (bulat cincin) sama sekali. Lihat juga kata a guinea pig…..itu sama sekali bukanlah babi (pig) apalagi berasal dari Papua New Guinea…sama sekali tidak.
Kenapa pula kita bisa menyebut writers write (penulis menulis) tapi tidak dapat mengatakan fingers fing?, dan kenapa grocers don’t groce dan hammers don’t ham? Jika bentuk jamak dari tooth (gigi) adalah teeth, kenapa kita tidak bisa menyebut bentuk jamak dari booth sebagai beeth? Kalau satu angsa disebut sebagai one goose dan dua angsa sebagai 2 geese lalu kalau begitu satu rusa Amerika Utara disebut one moose, Nah anehnya 2 rusa Amerika Utara (moose) tidak boleh disebut 2 meese! Atau one index maka 2 indices?
Bukankah ini kelihatan aneh dan gila bahwa Anda boleh membuat amends tapi tidak bisa one amend. Bahwa Anda boleh menyelam dan menyelidiki sesuatu melalui annals of history tapi tidak a single annal? Jika Anda memiliki setumpuk odds dan ends lalu membuangnya satu demi satu hingga tertinggal masing-masing satu saja, lalu Anda akan menyebutnya apa?
Kalau kita menyebut para guru (teachers) taught, kenapa kita tidak dapat menyebut penghotbah sedang praught? Kalau seorang vegetarian makan sayur-sayuran (vegetables), lalu makan apa si humanitarian? Makan orang kah (human)? Kita bilang I wrote (bentuk lampau dari write) a letter, tapi kenapa lalu kita tidak bisa memakai bentuk lampau dari bite (gigit) sebagai bote pada kalimat I bite my tongue?
Mungkin perlulah para pengguna bahasa Inggris harus bersatu menyatakan bahwa kadang-kadang memang kita itu “sinting”. Bayangkan saja kalimat ini: orang-orang recite at a play dan play at a recital? Lalu lebih lucu lagi ada Ship by truck dan send cargo by ship? Orang Amerika juga sering menyebutkan hidung yang beringus dengan runny nose. Lalu mereka punya istilah smell feet. Padahal kakilah yang dipakai untuk lari (run) dan hidung (nose) dipakai untuk mencium (smell). Ha..ha…ha. We have noses that run and feet that smell?
Bagaimana bisa “a slim chance” dan “a fat chance” berdiri pada kamar yang sama sementara “a wise man” dan “a wise guy” justru bertolak belakang? Overlook dan Oversee sangat bertolak belakang (opposites) sementara quite a lot dan quite a few adalah serupa. Lucu. Menggelitik. Kalau udara terlalu panas mereka bilang “this weather is hot as hell” sementara kalau terlalu dingin mereka bilang “this weather is cold as hell”. Jadi di neraka mungkin orang-orang pada panas dingin kali ya?
Sadarkah kita bahwa kadang-kadang kita mengatakan sesuatu justru pada saat hal itu sama sekali tidak ada? Tak bisa dilihat dan dialami. Pernahkah Anda melihat horseful carriage atau sebuah strapful gown? Atau juga pernakah Anda bertemu sung hero dan mengalami requited love? Lalu di manakah orang-orang yang dipanggil dan disebut sabagai SPRING CHICKENS?
Kita akan semakin terpesona dengan keunikan dan kesintingan bahasa Inggris tersebut. Bahasa yang mengajarkan banyak keanehan dimana rumah Anda dapat terbakar dengan “ can burn up” padahal sementara “burns down”, atau ketika mengisi formulir maka Anda fill in a form melalui filling it out. Kemudian alarm di weker Anda goes off by going on!
Bahasa Inggris ditemukan dan dikembangkan oleh manusia, bukan komputer, dan itu menunjukkan kreativitas dari manusia (human race). Karena itulah, ketika bintang-bintang (the stars) are out maka mereka akan kelihatan, tapi ketika the lights ( cahaya terang) are out mereka justru menjadi tak kelihatan. Dan itulah mengapa, ketika saya wind up jam tangan saya, saya memulainya, tapi ketika saya wind up tulisan ini, saya mengakhirinya.
Seperti yang dapat juga dilihat di sini:Wild Language
Salam Canda,
leahciM wodneS
#taken from
Eggplant adalah terong, tapi egg artinya telur dan di dalam terong tidak kita temui telur. Kita juga tidak menemui daging ham di dalam hamburger, lalu pineapple? Itu kan buah nenas padahal kata itu adalah gabungan dari pinus (pine) dan buah apel (apple). Mereka menyebut kue enak yang selalu menjadi santapan pagi saya sebelum berangkat kerja dengan English Muffins padahal jelas-jelas kue itu bukan di buat dan tidak berasal dari Negara Inggris. Atau misalnya French Fries untuk kentang goreng padahal aslinya bukan dari Perancis (French). Ada lagi, sweetmeats sesungguhnya adalah permen padahal sweet=manis dan meat=daging, sementara sweetbreads adalah nama daging dan sama sekali tidak manis lalu bread=roti.
Kita memang memakai bahasa Inggris begitu saja dan terima bersih. Tetapi kalau kita menyelam lebih dalam lagi, kita akan segera temui berbagai paradoks (hal yang bertolak belakang). Misalnya kita dapati bahwa quicksand ternyata bisa bekerja lambat padahal quick sendiri berarti cepat. Boxing rings berbentuk segi empat (square) dan tidak menyerupai ring (bulat cincin) sama sekali. Lihat juga kata a guinea pig…..itu sama sekali bukanlah babi (pig) apalagi berasal dari Papua New Guinea…sama sekali tidak.
Kenapa pula kita bisa menyebut writers write (penulis menulis) tapi tidak dapat mengatakan fingers fing?, dan kenapa grocers don’t groce dan hammers don’t ham? Jika bentuk jamak dari tooth (gigi) adalah teeth, kenapa kita tidak bisa menyebut bentuk jamak dari booth sebagai beeth? Kalau satu angsa disebut sebagai one goose dan dua angsa sebagai 2 geese lalu kalau begitu satu rusa Amerika Utara disebut one moose, Nah anehnya 2 rusa Amerika Utara (moose) tidak boleh disebut 2 meese! Atau one index maka 2 indices?
Bukankah ini kelihatan aneh dan gila bahwa Anda boleh membuat amends tapi tidak bisa one amend. Bahwa Anda boleh menyelam dan menyelidiki sesuatu melalui annals of history tapi tidak a single annal? Jika Anda memiliki setumpuk odds dan ends lalu membuangnya satu demi satu hingga tertinggal masing-masing satu saja, lalu Anda akan menyebutnya apa?
Kalau kita menyebut para guru (teachers) taught, kenapa kita tidak dapat menyebut penghotbah sedang praught? Kalau seorang vegetarian makan sayur-sayuran (vegetables), lalu makan apa si humanitarian? Makan orang kah (human)? Kita bilang I wrote (bentuk lampau dari write) a letter, tapi kenapa lalu kita tidak bisa memakai bentuk lampau dari bite (gigit) sebagai bote pada kalimat I bite my tongue?
Mungkin perlulah para pengguna bahasa Inggris harus bersatu menyatakan bahwa kadang-kadang memang kita itu “sinting”. Bayangkan saja kalimat ini: orang-orang recite at a play dan play at a recital? Lalu lebih lucu lagi ada Ship by truck dan send cargo by ship? Orang Amerika juga sering menyebutkan hidung yang beringus dengan runny nose. Lalu mereka punya istilah smell feet. Padahal kakilah yang dipakai untuk lari (run) dan hidung (nose) dipakai untuk mencium (smell). Ha..ha…ha. We have noses that run and feet that smell?
Bagaimana bisa “a slim chance” dan “a fat chance” berdiri pada kamar yang sama sementara “a wise man” dan “a wise guy” justru bertolak belakang? Overlook dan Oversee sangat bertolak belakang (opposites) sementara quite a lot dan quite a few adalah serupa. Lucu. Menggelitik. Kalau udara terlalu panas mereka bilang “this weather is hot as hell” sementara kalau terlalu dingin mereka bilang “this weather is cold as hell”. Jadi di neraka mungkin orang-orang pada panas dingin kali ya?
Sadarkah kita bahwa kadang-kadang kita mengatakan sesuatu justru pada saat hal itu sama sekali tidak ada? Tak bisa dilihat dan dialami. Pernahkah Anda melihat horseful carriage atau sebuah strapful gown? Atau juga pernakah Anda bertemu sung hero dan mengalami requited love? Lalu di manakah orang-orang yang dipanggil dan disebut sabagai SPRING CHICKENS?
Kita akan semakin terpesona dengan keunikan dan kesintingan bahasa Inggris tersebut. Bahasa yang mengajarkan banyak keanehan dimana rumah Anda dapat terbakar dengan “ can burn up” padahal sementara “burns down”, atau ketika mengisi formulir maka Anda fill in a form melalui filling it out. Kemudian alarm di weker Anda goes off by going on!
Bahasa Inggris ditemukan dan dikembangkan oleh manusia, bukan komputer, dan itu menunjukkan kreativitas dari manusia (human race). Karena itulah, ketika bintang-bintang (the stars) are out maka mereka akan kelihatan, tapi ketika the lights ( cahaya terang) are out mereka justru menjadi tak kelihatan. Dan itulah mengapa, ketika saya wind up jam tangan saya, saya memulainya, tapi ketika saya wind up tulisan ini, saya mengakhirinya.
Seperti yang dapat juga dilihat di sini:Wild Language
Salam Canda,
leahciM wodneS
#taken from
Malang Tempoe Doeloe
Yesterday I went to Malang Tempoe Doeloe with my camaraderie, SuperElf. It's been ages since we spent times together -with the eleven members, but still not all members can come-. I enjoyed visiting MTD with them, the reason is actually not because of 'the MTD' but the togetherness among members. There were two members that couldn't come, the two members who seemingly skip the 'meeting' since they are sooo busy. But we could tolerate that.
The showy moments went visiting MTD, yesterday, is that:
1) We 'should' come together to Jln.Semarang at 3 p.m. but the reality is that we laze around until around 4.30 p.m.
2) Arrived at MTD around 5 p.m. and straightforwardly moving around the "TKP". There was a member who ask permission for coming late for she's still doing her assignment and again, we can tolerate that.
3) The most showy moment was that, the night, the crowed. After one member that we were waiting for coming, we decided to go home. In order to go home #since we were exhausted#, we made such a "train" (a.k.a. sepur-sepuran) to make a way. So, the nine girls formed a line until bear a resemblance to a train. The startling thing was that, people around us found it unique to form such a sepur-sepuran in the middle of masses. They imitated our "idea" to form sepur-sepuran behind the last member in our row. So, there was a long sepur in the middle of masses..
Here are some pictures taken from MTD with my SuperElf
The showy moments went visiting MTD, yesterday, is that:
1) We 'should' come together to Jln.Semarang at 3 p.m. but the reality is that we laze around until around 4.30 p.m.
2) Arrived at MTD around 5 p.m. and straightforwardly moving around the "TKP". There was a member who ask permission for coming late for she's still doing her assignment and again, we can tolerate that.
3) The most showy moment was that, the night, the crowed. After one member that we were waiting for coming, we decided to go home. In order to go home #since we were exhausted#, we made such a "train" (a.k.a. sepur-sepuran) to make a way. So, the nine girls formed a line until bear a resemblance to a train. The startling thing was that, people around us found it unique to form such a sepur-sepuran in the middle of masses. They imitated our "idea" to form sepur-sepuran behind the last member in our row. So, there was a long sepur in the middle of masses..
Here are some pictures taken from MTD with my SuperElf
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Tongue Twister
Tongue twister reminds me on IC (Intensive Course) class. It was about 4 years ago....hmmm....It was ages ago. It also warns me that I'm not a freshman anymore, but the senior of senior (since I'm taking DD [Double Degree] and now I'm on 1 level upper the senior). Please enjoy it. Hope that it can sharpen your pronunciation^^
Final Test in the End of Semester
Today I had two tests; Research Statistics and BP (Belajar dan Pembelajaran). Alhamdulillah, I didnt' find any difficulty in those two tests. Research Statistics test didn't too different with last two semester, I think. As expected, the wise and patient lecturer ever, Prof.Ali Saukah, always helps his students by giving the easiest tests. But I don't think I'll get 100 for this for I made two mistakes and those mistakes were such fatal mistakes. It has nothing to do with the accounting thing, but it just makes us think logically and my logic didn't work at that time #hufth#
The second test is BP test. Well, as always, the lecturers from other departments, especially those from Faculty of Science Education (FIP) gave a piece of cake (no offense) problems and I enjoyed it. Then, tomorrow is the last day of final exam in my life history (alay mode on). Tomorrow I'll take Literal Reading test with a lovely lecturer, Mrs. Anik Nunuk. Hopefully, I won't find any difficulty in doing my test.
My two friends and I already has a plan to celebrate the final day of the final exam, but I'm not sure when we can realize that plan. It should be having fun together...
Not to forget to mention a thank to the Almighty, the One and Only Saver and Loving God, Alloh SWT for giving such a great day. Remind me for always thanking You and be always in Your Track,,
The second test is BP test. Well, as always, the lecturers from other departments, especially those from Faculty of Science Education (FIP) gave a piece of cake (no offense) problems and I enjoyed it. Then, tomorrow is the last day of final exam in my life history (alay mode on). Tomorrow I'll take Literal Reading test with a lovely lecturer, Mrs. Anik Nunuk. Hopefully, I won't find any difficulty in doing my test.
My two friends and I already has a plan to celebrate the final day of the final exam, but I'm not sure when we can realize that plan. It should be having fun together...
Not to forget to mention a thank to the Almighty, the One and Only Saver and Loving God, Alloh SWT for giving such a great day. Remind me for always thanking You and be always in Your Track,,
Fiction - Taken from Beast's lyric
It’s a lie, it’s a lie
We can’t end it like this
Come back again, please come back
I can’t believe that you’re leaving me
I should try saying something to you
Though there’s no use in it
This isn’t it, this isn’t it
I won’t believe in this truth
This is all a lie
It’s not the truth
I won’t believe any more of this
I asked many times not to leave me
This is a lie
You’re no longer beside me
This is the truth
I don’t want to believe it
Though I ask you numerous times to come back again,
All of this has to be a lie
This is a lie, this is a lie
This is a lie, this is a lie
This isn’t the truth, this isn’t the truth
This isn’t the truth, this isn’t the truth
It’s a fact
My brain knows it’s true, but my heart won’t accept it
I can’t believe it
Unknowingly, everything I knew now seems like an obsession
This situation that suddenly fell over my head,
I can no longer control it
I can’t empty you but I’ll try to erase you
I’ll rewrite the story of you and I
The lyric has something to do with my feeling, actually. It is so sad to be abandoned by the one we love (in this case, not only abandoned by a lover, but also it can be abandoned by our close friend, our parents, sisters, brothers, et al.). I am a person who is difficult in accepting reality that is not accord with my expectation. I am a person who is always forcing myself to accept my expectation, not the reality..
After all, this lyric describes the feeling I am in right now..
We can’t end it like this
Come back again, please come back
I can’t believe that you’re leaving me
I should try saying something to you
Though there’s no use in it
This isn’t it, this isn’t it
I won’t believe in this truth
This is all a lie
It’s not the truth
I won’t believe any more of this
I asked many times not to leave me
This is a lie
You’re no longer beside me
This is the truth
I don’t want to believe it
Though I ask you numerous times to come back again,
All of this has to be a lie
This is a lie, this is a lie
This is a lie, this is a lie
This isn’t the truth, this isn’t the truth
This isn’t the truth, this isn’t the truth
It’s a fact
My brain knows it’s true, but my heart won’t accept it
I can’t believe it
Unknowingly, everything I knew now seems like an obsession
This situation that suddenly fell over my head,
I can no longer control it
I can’t empty you but I’ll try to erase you
I’ll rewrite the story of you and I
The lyric has something to do with my feeling, actually. It is so sad to be abandoned by the one we love (in this case, not only abandoned by a lover, but also it can be abandoned by our close friend, our parents, sisters, brothers, et al.). I am a person who is difficult in accepting reality that is not accord with my expectation. I am a person who is always forcing myself to accept my expectation, not the reality..
After all, this lyric describes the feeling I am in right now..
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Still Wondering
At first, I was wondering whether I'll make a blog or not for I'm a lazy person actually, especially in something related to writing and reading. By having this blog, I'm challenging myself to read and write. I once had an electronic diary but it's been a long long ago and I never open it again.'s been a while since I took writing lesson so that my ability in writing is rather 'random'.
I wanna engrave my experience here. I wanna tell my stories here.
The very first thing I wanna write is that;
There's no one deserving the first slice of this Thanking Cake but God The Almighty, Alloh SWT. If it were not His blessings, I would not be what I am and do what I love. Beautiful sunny bright day which makes everyone live and smile while breathing the fresh air is definitely one of His master pieces, not to mention His superiority over our life's scenario.
I am definitely sure that the second slice should be awarded to both of these wonderful people: my Mom who kindly and patiently let me grow under her wings with an unconditional love, and my Dad who always encourage me to give my best in every single deed. Hopefully this shimmer of spirit inside my heart will never die down.
The next slice goes to my 'other wing' - my SuperElf -my camaraderie. First, I'll engrave my story vis-à-vis
SuperElf. Well, my 10 soul mates (Park Eunsoo a.k.a. Hunny Eun Park, Kim Heesol, Hyun Geng, Kim Myungwoon, Kim Hwanee, Lee Hyomin, Lee Jieun, Choi Jiwon, Kim Moonbum, and Cho Eunhyun) and I (Lee Yoonhae) have the same idol from South Korea, Super Junior (슈주). Super Junior is a boy band from South Korea that has 13 members (Park Jung-su or known by his stage name, Leeteuk; Kim Hee-chul; Han Geng; Kim Jong-woon or known as Yesung; Kim Young-woon or Kangin; Shin Dong-hee or Shindong; Lee Sung-min ; Lee HyukJae or Eunhyuk; Lee Donghae my bias; Choi Si-won; Kim Ryeo-wook; Kim Ki-bum; and the last of not least, Cho Kyu-Hyun ). Our friendship has through almost 2 and half year. Fantastic, right!!!
The next thing I wanna share in this very blog is about my personality. My blood type is A so that I'm shy, introverted and perfectionist person. I can't tell a lie easily, straightforward person and I don't share my personal feeling to others easily.
I think this is for introduction of my 'background'. Hope that everyone who reads it will get something.
Yoeroebun, Fighting!!!^^. I ,
[Beast] Fiction Lyrics Translation
ajik nan neol itji motago modeungeol da mitji motago
ireoke neol bonaeji motago oneuldo
dasi mandeureobolge uri iyagi kkeutnaji anke aju ginagin
salgacheul pago seumyeodeuneun sangsilgameun jamsi mudeodulge
saero sseo naeryeoga sijageun haengbokhage utgo inneun neowa na
nega nal tteonaji motage baegyeongeun chulguga eomneun jobeun bang an
amureochi anke nege kiseuhago dalkomhan neoui gyeoteul tteonagajil motae
urin kkeuchiraneungeon eobseo
ireoke nan tto (Fiction in Fiction)
itji motago (Fiction in Fiction)
nae gaseum soge kkeutnaji anheul iyagil sseugo isseo
neol butjabeulge (Fiction in Fiction)
nochi anheulge (Fiction in Fiction in Fiction)
kkeutnaji anheun neowa naui iyagi sogeseo oneuldo in Fiction
jigeum yeogin haengbokhan iyagideulbakke eobseo
neomu haengbokhan uri dulmanui iyagiga ireoke (hyeonsilgwaneun dareuge)
sseo isseo jeomjeom chaewojigo isseo
neoneun naegero dallyeowaseo angigo
pum ane angin neoreul naneun jeoldae nochi motae
urin kkeuchiraneungeon eobseo
ireoke nan tto (Fiction in Fiction)
kkeunchi motago (Fiction in Fiction)
nae gaseum soge kkeutnaji anheul iyagil sseugo isseo
neol butjabeulge (Fiction in Fiction)
nochi anheulge (Fiction in Fiction in Fiction)
kkeutnaji anheun neowa naui iyagi sogeseo oneuldo in Fiction
dasi han beon deo malhajiman
jigeum neoneun nae yeope itdago geureoke mitgo isseo nan
(hajiman Fiction)
nan mokjeogeul irheobeorin jakga i soseorui
kkeuteun eotteoke mamuri jieoya hae
saranghae saranghae saranghae saranghae saranghae i se geuljaman
sseo naeryeoga mudyeojin pen nunmullo eollukjin nalgeun jongi wiro
haengbokhal sudo seulpeul sudo eobseo i iyagineun
jigeum nan neomunado haengbokhan saenggage iyagireul sseujiman
modeunge baramil ppunirago yeojeonhi
nan haengbokhangeol (Fiction in Fiction in Fiction)
uri hamkkeingeol (Fiction in Fiction in Fiction)
ije sijagingeol (Fiction in Fiction in Fiction)
kkeuteun eomneungeol (Fiction in Fiction in Fiction)
It’s a lie, it’s a lie
We can’t end it like this
Come back again, please come back
I can’t believe that you’re leaving me
I should try saying something to you
Though there’s no use in it
This isn’t it, this isn’t it
I won’t believe in this truth
This is all a lie
It’s not the truth
I won’t believe any more of this
I asked many times not to leave me
This is a lie
You’re no longer beside me
This is the truth
I don’t want to believe it
Though I ask you numerous times to come back again,
All of this has to be a lie
This is a lie, this is a lie
This is a lie, this is a lie
This isn’t the truth, this isn’t the truth
This isn’t the truth, this isn’t the truth
It’s a fact
My brain knows it’s true, but my heart won’t accept it
I can’t believe it
Unknowingly, everything I knew now seems like an obsession
This situation that suddenly fell over my head,
I can no longer control it
I can’t empty you but I’ll try to erase you
I’ll rewrite the story of you and I
ireoke neol bonaeji motago oneuldo
dasi mandeureobolge uri iyagi kkeutnaji anke aju ginagin
salgacheul pago seumyeodeuneun sangsilgameun jamsi mudeodulge
saero sseo naeryeoga sijageun haengbokhage utgo inneun neowa na
nega nal tteonaji motage baegyeongeun chulguga eomneun jobeun bang an
amureochi anke nege kiseuhago dalkomhan neoui gyeoteul tteonagajil motae
urin kkeuchiraneungeon eobseo
ireoke nan tto (Fiction in Fiction)
itji motago (Fiction in Fiction)
nae gaseum soge kkeutnaji anheul iyagil sseugo isseo
neol butjabeulge (Fiction in Fiction)
nochi anheulge (Fiction in Fiction in Fiction)
kkeutnaji anheun neowa naui iyagi sogeseo oneuldo in Fiction
jigeum yeogin haengbokhan iyagideulbakke eobseo
neomu haengbokhan uri dulmanui iyagiga ireoke (hyeonsilgwaneun dareuge)
sseo isseo jeomjeom chaewojigo isseo
neoneun naegero dallyeowaseo angigo
pum ane angin neoreul naneun jeoldae nochi motae
urin kkeuchiraneungeon eobseo
ireoke nan tto (Fiction in Fiction)
kkeunchi motago (Fiction in Fiction)
nae gaseum soge kkeutnaji anheul iyagil sseugo isseo
neol butjabeulge (Fiction in Fiction)
nochi anheulge (Fiction in Fiction in Fiction)
kkeutnaji anheun neowa naui iyagi sogeseo oneuldo in Fiction
dasi han beon deo malhajiman
jigeum neoneun nae yeope itdago geureoke mitgo isseo nan
(hajiman Fiction)
nan mokjeogeul irheobeorin jakga i soseorui
kkeuteun eotteoke mamuri jieoya hae
saranghae saranghae saranghae saranghae saranghae i se geuljaman
sseo naeryeoga mudyeojin pen nunmullo eollukjin nalgeun jongi wiro
haengbokhal sudo seulpeul sudo eobseo i iyagineun
jigeum nan neomunado haengbokhan saenggage iyagireul sseujiman
modeunge baramil ppunirago yeojeonhi
nan haengbokhangeol (Fiction in Fiction in Fiction)
uri hamkkeingeol (Fiction in Fiction in Fiction)
ije sijagingeol (Fiction in Fiction in Fiction)
kkeuteun eomneungeol (Fiction in Fiction in Fiction)
It’s a lie, it’s a lie
We can’t end it like this
Come back again, please come back
I can’t believe that you’re leaving me
I should try saying something to you
Though there’s no use in it
This isn’t it, this isn’t it
I won’t believe in this truth
This is all a lie
It’s not the truth
I won’t believe any more of this
I asked many times not to leave me
This is a lie
You’re no longer beside me
This is the truth
I don’t want to believe it
Though I ask you numerous times to come back again,
All of this has to be a lie
This is a lie, this is a lie
This is a lie, this is a lie
This isn’t the truth, this isn’t the truth
This isn’t the truth, this isn’t the truth
It’s a fact
My brain knows it’s true, but my heart won’t accept it
I can’t believe it
Unknowingly, everything I knew now seems like an obsession
This situation that suddenly fell over my head,
I can no longer control it
I can’t empty you but I’ll try to erase you
I’ll rewrite the story of you and I
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